Danasina ePirtûkê• Bi vê sepanê hun dikarin bi hêsanî li Pirtûk û Kovarên Kurdî guhdarî bikin û wê bixwînin.• Beşeke vî sepanê bi Sîstema subscribetîyê tê bikaranîn.• Get off every Kovar û Pirtûk 10 perên seri for free.•Hûn dikarin gelek çêrokên Kurdî (bi deng) û bi kurdîya kuruncî û zazakî bixwînin û lê guhdarî bikin.•Ji bo peyvên nenas ên kurdî hun dikarin pê li wan peyvan bikin û wateyên wan hîn bibin.•Perên ku hun bixwînin hun dikarin bi hêsanî li ser torên civic (social to media) parve biki.• Bo Zarokan five to Zarok Academy delegation.With the ePirtûk application,• Part of our application works with the membership system.• With its useful and simple interface, you can download the application to your phone now and read most Kurdish Magazines and Books and listen to some books aloud.• You can read the first 10 pages of each Book and Magazine for free.• You can see the detailed explanations of the words in the Glossary section.• You can easily share the pages or books you have read from your social media accounts.• Childrens Academy available for childrenWith ePirtûk application,• You can easily read and learn Kurdish language with its user-friendly interfaces and useful features.• You can listen and read Kurdish book and magazine.• You can read 10 pages of Kurdish magazines and books for free.• System works with subscription system.• You can listen to the audio and you can access the meanings of the words using the dictionary.• Part of our application works with membership system.• Kids Academy available for kids.